NEKISWAP is NEKI´s financial ecosystem heart. Here you will be able to swap NEKI´s native tokens ($NEKI and $XNEKI) for $BNB, $BUSD, and $USDC.

$XNEKI is NEKI´s stakable coin, it can be staked in our vault to receive BNB (6% APY / locked staking), $XNEKI can only be obtained by swapping $NEKI via NEKISWAP.

The value of $NEKI and $XNEKI is exactly the same, 1 $NEKI = 1 $XNEKI and vice-versa, both tokens have a maximum supply of 10M.

NEKISWAP will be available in Q2 of 2023.

Please find the current price of $NEKI/$XNEKI below.

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