How to buy NEKI on Trustwallet? A step-by-step guide


To connect to PancakeSwap through iOS, Trust Wallet has prepared a detailed guide on using WallteConnect.
Read the Trust Wallet guide to connecting to PancakeSwap via WalletConnect.


Step A1: Download/Install Trustwallet from the Google Play store:

Step A2: Open a wallet. Be sure to store your seed phrase safety (preferably offline)!

B. Buy NEKI on PancakeSwap

Step B1: Click on DApps in your Trustwallet.

Step B2: Scroll down and find Pancakeswap listed under Popular. Click on that.

Step B3: in the Swap menu click on currency. Then paste the following address (IMPORTANT): 0x374e51299e4cee5d4b0385cc2be9041c062e3232

Step B4: You should see this screen now with NEKI showing. Click on ADD/IMPORT.

Step B5: Now you can swap BNB for NEKI. Make sure to HODL strong until we reach 5 dollars!

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