Even at an early stage, NEKI is currently enjoying great growth both on its Telegram and Discord accounts, growing steadily and organically during the first months, reaching over 20k members among all the groups and servers.
Our marketing campaigns have been quite successful in obtaining top positions on the most popular crypto voting sites.
NEKI is already ranking on top (all-time high) on some of the most well-known crypto voting sites!
- Top100Token Position 1 -> https://top100token.com/alltime
- CoinAlpha Position 1 -> https://coinalpha.app/all-time-best.html
- CoinDisovery Position 2 -> https://coindiscovery.app/all-time
NEKI has also reached the top position on the daily charts for the most voted token. Please find some examples below:
Our marketing plans will keep on growing and expanding the popularity of NEKI.
With NEKI Swap opening soon users will be able to stake XNEKI for BNB (6% Est. APY) and swap between NEKI, XNEKI, and BNB.
Our marketing team is currently using our native stakable token XNEKI for its marketing campaigns to spread the number of total wallet holders and total transactions with XNEKI, please note that 1 XNEKI equals 1 NEKI and vice-versa.
Please check current NEKI price below:
For any questions, please contact @takashiwat on Telegram or Discord.